CCU Network and Computer Acceptable Use Policies
General Policies

Your use of CCU's computing and network resources is subject to your acceptance of all the policies and terms in this document. These policies may be updated periodically with or without notice. Any violation of these policies may result in suspension of your access and/or additional disciplinary action.

General Acceptable Use

You may use CCU's computing and network resources to conduct any task pertinent to your relationship with CCU as a student, faculty/staff member, etc. Limited personal use of these resources is also permitted, provided that your activity:
(1) Adheres to all applicable laws and regulations regarding computer activity.
(2) Complies fully with all other CCU policies such as the lifestyle covenant, student handbook, etc.
(3) Is not for the purpose of a for-profit pursuit.
(4) Does not interfere in any way with any other user's ability to utilize CCU's computing and network resources
You may not access or attempt to access any CCU network or computing asset that you have not specifically been granted access to, or use access that you have been granted for any other purpose than that for which it was granted.


CCU will not sell or give your personal information to a third party. The network and computing services referred to in these policies, including Internet access, CCU email, servers, voicemail, LAN connectivity and other resources, are the property of CCU. As such, CCU reserves the right to monitor or audit your use of these resources if a violation of these policies is suspected.

Network Account Policies

All Digital Services Accounts (DSA’s) will be issued through the online DSA form. Your account's privileges will reflect the type of account you receive (e.g. Student, Faculty, etc). You will be required to agree to the policies in this document before receiving an account. You may not share your password with anyone, use another person's account or allow anyone else to use your account. You may be held accountable for any violations of these policies that are committed by someone else in possession of your account information. For security reasons, CCU may require you to change your password periodically and/or may require a particular degree of complexity or length of your password. CCU staff will never ask you for your password.

Computer Lab Policies

CCU has computer labs available to students at most locations where classes are taught. Classes being taught in the labs have priority over all other uses. Those who need to do homework or projects in the lab will also have priority over casual/non-academic users. Food and drinks are not allowed in any computer lab. Modifying lab computers (or any other computers owned by CCU) or their software, or using them in any way that violates other CCU policies is strictly forbidden. Hours of operation and additional rules specific to each lab will be posted in the individual labs.

Internet Access and Content Management

CCU provides access to the Internet from all its locations. Your use of this resource will be restricted by certain content filtering and/or bandwidth management devices or software. The specific parameters of the bandwidth management are decided by CCU Network Management, while the parameters of the content filtering are decided by Student Development. Both are subject to change at any time without notice. CCU may monitor your use of the Internet for violations of policies and take disciplinary or corrective action if needed.

LAN Access Control and Security

CCU's Local Area Network (LAN) is a private network. By connecting equipment to it, whether that equipment is owned by the University or not, you are agreeing to abide by all the policies in this document, including these specific policies regarding LAN access:
(1) You may not connect a hub, router, bridge, gateway, wireless access point, or any other similar device to the CCU LAN. Only end-user devices such as computers, laptops, and game consoles (without built-in wireless access points) are allowed.
(2) Any computer you connect to the CCU LAN must be updated with the current applicable operating system patches and running an up-to-date antivirus program.
(3) You may not use or have installed on your computer any kind of hacking software. This includes, but is not limited to, packet sniffers, packet crafting utilities, war-driving applications, encryption-cracking utilities, and other similar software.
(4) You may not make any attempt to obtain another user's data, passwords, or other personal information.
(5) You may not in any way provide or sell access to CCU's network to a third party.
(6) You may not release any kind of virus, spam or other malicious software onto CCU's network or onto the Internet via CCU's network.

Anonymous Access

No anonymous access is allowed to CCU's LAN. Each user must have an account that identifies them uniquely in order to access LAN resources.

Use of CCU Printers

Students may use designated CCU printers in labs or other areas such as walk-up terminals. If you are a student, you will be given a starting balance of printing with each new semester, and will be prompted to approve printing charges each time you use a printer. Additional printing can be purchased online and will be billed to your student account. Employees of the University will be provided with access to print that is appropriate for their position.

Student Data Storage

Students are given an "I-Drive" Internet storage folder that may be used for any purpose allowed in these policies. CCU will not be responsible for any data or files stored on I-Drive, and will not provide data recovery for lost files.

Employee Data Storage

All data, files, and other work-related material belonging to employees of CCU must be saved on the network share designated for that purpose. The Help Desk staff does not recover data from hard drives of individual computers, so to protect CCU's data it is essential that you store it on the appropriate server. Since these servers are the property of the University, data stored on them becomes subject to data storage policies determined by CCU Network Management, which could include limitations on size and use for personal pursuits, as well as searches for prohibited material in the event that a violation of policy is suspected. Storing any University data on personal equipment is prohibited.

Support of non-CCU Systems

CCU's technical staff will provide free assistance to students having problems connecting to the on-campus network. In situations where there are problems with a student-owned system (such as viruses, hardware failure, etc), support for those problems is not free and will be charged to the student when the service is performed. Contact the CCU Helpdesk for current pricing information on these services.


The University shall have no obligation or liability for, and the user shall hold the University harmless from and against, any claim based on any activity prohibited by these policies.

The user understands that consistent with its intended purpose as an open forum, the Internet contains material covering the full spectrum of expression and free speech. With this understanding, the student releases the University in respect to any and all claims, demands, actions, and causes of action, whether known, anticipated, or unanticipated, which may be made by any person, including the student, against the University, which relate in any manner to the student's access to the Internet.

Revised 3/28/2007